Shakari S. Lee, DBA

Shakari Lee
About This Author

Shakari Lee, DBA, MS-HRM

I have always had a passion for serving others. My love later transitioned into healthcare, and as an adult, serving the minority and underserved populations. As a minority, I have experienced the bias and racism paraded within the professional industry and have vowed to make a difference. For the years to come, my passion for serving others will continue to be demonstrated. The relationships that I will build will inspire others to lead with their heart, just as I do. All things come with sacrifice, but anything is possible with the right people on your side. My journey has allowed me to focus on life's positive energy. Happiness is the creation of its creator. I will continue to seek greatness while serving others. I will strive for greater knowledge and be a leader who serves others in a righteous, ethical, and loving way.